How KC Controls is Operating through COVID-19


In light of the current situation, we would like to reassure customers that we are still fully operational.

  • We can fulfil orders.
  • Our staff are contactable via email.
  • Our main office is being operated with a skeleton staff but you can call us on 01293 538940.

In order to continue to operate we have made internal changes to ensure the safety of our work colleagues while providing you with the same level of service.

  • Our office team are working remotely but are responding to emails and are happy to discuss matters on the phone or using MS Teams.
  • Our principle manufacturers (ABB & Parker Hannifin) are operational although there maybe some delays from goods not manufactured in the UK due to transport restrictions.
  • For any existing and new enquiries: sales@kccontrols.co.ukor call 01293 538940.
  • For any order progressing enquiries: orders@kccontrols.co.uk
  • For any accounts queries please email accounts@kccontrols.co.uk

Many thanks in advance for your continued support.

For more information on how we continue to operate through COVID-19, please feel free to fill out our contact form below and a member of KC Controls will be in contact.

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