WWT Drinking Water Quality Conference


Yesterday KC Controls were at WWT – Drinking Water Quality Conference in Birmingham

Business Development Manager, Ashley Furlong was demonstrating the Parker THM Analyser. This is an easy to operate, integrated Purge-and-Trap Gas Chromatograph (GC) that measures THM concentration at ppb levels in 30 minutes right at your own facility without tedious sample preparation.

“It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, explaining to people the advantages about Parker’s THM Analyser and how this integrated system is a powerful tool that can help operators achieve fast test results, informing them of their THM Levels, which will help them optimise water treatment for improved control over the formation of THMs.”

“KC Controls looks forward to meeting potential customers again to demonstrate this unique product” – Ashley Furlong

If you would like to know more about Parker THM Analyser, please fill in our contact form below or you can call us on +44 (0)1293 538940 or email KC Controls: sales@kccontrols.co.uk

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