An Overview of Level Measurement Technologies


On Wednesday 7th March our Regional Sales Manager, John Hayward will be attending: An Overview of Level Measurement Technologies at The Forest Lodge Hotel, Lyndhurst.

The presentation will be presented by Gordon Lindsay.

Gordon has many years’ experience in the application of instrumentation in a range of industries.

Gordon will describe the characteristics of several means of making a level measurement.

There will be a delightful mix of information, demonstration, and humour.

Find out about the characteristics of:

Open Path Radar
Guided Wave Radar
And using case studies Gordon will show the pros and cons of different Level Measurement technologies.

There are still spaces available for this presentation on starting from 6:30pm on Wednesday 7th March.

If you would like to attend this please contact marketing@kccontrols.co.uk who will be available to provide you with more information about this event.


Date: Wednesday 7th March 2018
Venue: The Forest Lodge Hotel, Lyndhurst, SO43 7AS

6.30 pm – Arrival
7.00pm – 8.00pm Presentation by Gordon Lindsay
8.00pm – onwards Buffet and socialising.

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