Why use a ABB Value Provider?


KC Controls has worked in partnership with ABB for over 20 years. We became an ABB Channel Partner at first, offering a complete range of Measurement and Analytical products. Since ABB introduced the ABB Value Partner system, we have been working hard with them to create sound and professional business practices, all of which are imperative to obtaining and maintaining the AVP status.

The ABB Value Provider Program is a global channel partner program for distributors, wholesalers, panel builders, installers, service providers, system integrators, or power product OEMs. Authorized members of this premium program are called ABB Value Providers.

The authorisation program is a procedure to guarantee that the services the customer receives from the ABB Value Providers are on the same leading level as the quality of the ABB products, both globally and locally. Once authorised as ABB Value Provider, our partners have in-depth knowledge of local markets and are conversant with the defined ABB products and processes.”

Sales, support, service and engineering partnerships for growth and profit


Benefits to you:

  • ABB Value Providers have invested time and resources to become more knowledgeable on ABB products, tools and processes. Therefore, they are better suited to advise on how their products are applied in the end user’s environment.
  • ABB Value Providers have access to the latest ABB tools and resources, including product updates, service notes, new products, etc.
  • With these deliverables, supported by their enhanced product and process knowledge, ABB Value Providers can address their customers’ most pressing production challenges in the most knowledgeable way.
For more information on ABB products or KC Controls services contact us below and a member of our team will be in touch.

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