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Best Way to Dry Compressed Air in Hazardous Areas
Many instruments and controls operating in hazardous industrial environments require instrument grade compressed air to ensure effective operation. Without clean, dry air, quality control and process control systems may be subject to damage from water and contaminants...
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Medium Pressure Safety – All Tubing is Not Created Equal
In industrial applications where high pressures (over 6,000 psi) are used, safety is of paramount importance. Even well below these pressures, precautions are needed to ensure a safe working environment. Tubing from different manufacturers may look the...
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Protecting the Flavour of Craft Beers – the Benefits of Sterile Filtration
As new markets emerge and off trade consumption increases, the shelf-life of canned and bottled craft beer has become increasingly important. Brewers of craft beers carefully select and balance the ingredients to generate the unique and distinctive characteristics of...
read moreIt’s Time to Recognise Integral Ended Connections on Instrument Manifolds
Securing leak-free connection of impulse lines to manifolds for applications that use differential pressure flowmeters is a subject that has taxed instrumentation engineers for more than a century. Back in 1910, when the very first orifice plate installations made an...
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Sterile Filtration Technology Driving Change in the Brewing Industry
The microbial stabilization of beer is of critical importance for the shelf-life of beers – and as beers are exported all over the world, it’s vital that their original characteristics still remain intact when they arrive in the glasses of thirsty...
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How to Combat Corrosion
Corrosion management and prevention is a critical factor in many industrial settings. Left untreated, corrosion can put infrastructure, safety and business performance at risk – with potentially devastating consequences. It’s also bad for the bottom line; a NACE...
read moreThe use of 316 Stainless Steel Instrument Tube Fittings on 6Mo Tube
If you would like information on Parker products, please feel free to fill out our contact form below and a member of KC Controls will be in contact. More...
read moreEmbracing High Pressure Demands in the Marine Sector
In recent years, Emissions Control Area (ECA) legislation and the high price of fuel has led to a need for ship owners to seek alternatives to oil as a marine fuel. Liquid natural gas (LNG) has been used on a relatively small scale up to now as the main...
read moreClean Transportation Helping Create a Sustainable Future
If you would like information on Parker products, please feel free to fill out our contact form below and a member of KC Controls will be in...
read moreHow to Avoid Boil-off Gas in Cryogenic Vessels
The space-saving benefits of storing gas in liquid form were recognised back in the 19th Century, but a practical, commercially viable solution for storing liquid gases did not come about until around 1898. At this time, James Dewar succeeded in liquefying...
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ABB transforms flow measurement in the field with Ethernet-APL connectivity
ABB’s FSS400 Swirl and FSV400 Vortex flowmeters are available for the first time with Ethernet-APL connectivity, allowing for high-speed transmission of field data The Ethernet-APL technology opens new possibilities for digital collection and analysis of data in...

Discontinuation of 8012170 sensor cell for the ABB analogue 9408 dissolved oxygen system
Please note that due to component obsolescence, the ABB high level dissolved oxygen sensor; part number PN 8012170 has been discontinued. The implication of this is that the various configurations of the “9408” dissolved oxygen system, can no longer be...

Does your application call out 2507 tubing material?
For more information on Parker products or KC Controls services please call 01293 538940, or fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch. More Articles ...